Monday, September 8, 2014

Six Weeks Down

I figured since I had some time I would do a quick update on how medical school is so far. I mean, that is the main purpose of this blog, after all. I asked Jeff to answer a few questions so you could see a little from his perspective, too!

How is medical school so far?

"It has been really good."

On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy would you say you are right now?


What are you looking forward to this week?

"Taking my second exam and being able to have time to spend with my wife and friends."

Is anything stressing you out?

"Um, not really."

How do you feel the rest of the year will be for us?

"I think it will be very good. I am excited for the rest of the year."

What am I doing that is helping you?

"You are being really supportive, understanding at times that I need to study, working and making dinner, and making the most of the time we do have together."

What would you like me to do to help you?

"Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great."

In what ways is medical school similar to and different than you had expected?

"The amount of information that is covered in med school is similar to what I had expected."

"I feel like I have a lot more free time than I thought I would have. I can spend time with my spouse, friends, and fellow classmates." 

I'll also include my perspective, just for fun. 

How is medical school so far?

Good! Jeff is a total champ.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy would you say you are right now?

Taking work into consideration, 6. Leaving work out of the equation, 9!

What are you looking forward to this week?

Jeff finishing his second exam...the weekend. :)

Is anything stressing you out?

Not really. :)

How do you feel the rest of the year will be for us?

Good. I think it will get steadily harder as bigger tests come up and such, but so far everything has been really manageable due to Jeff's self discipline and great attitude.

What is Jeff doing that is helping me?

Making my breakfast and lunch every morning! (What?! So nice.)

What would I like Jeff to do to help me?

Seriously, nothing. I am just fine. :)

In what ways is medical school similar to and different than you had expected?

Medical school seems like a lot of work. Jeff spends most of his waking hours studying or in classes. Texas is hot.

I spend so much time with Jeff despite our busy schedules. We watch a lot of movies together. I am not lonely or depressed like I sort of imagined would happen (based on other people's experiences). 

Really, medical school is not so bad so far. That is always astonishing to me. I am so grateful for our experiences so far and look forward to what the future holds.

Have a great day!


  1. What a cool experience you're having! Sounds like you're getting into a good groove. I love reading your updates!

  2. Cool! I'm glad you guys aren't having too much trouble with med school. I hope it continues to be doable!
